Apply for a CISV Program
Your CISV experience starts by joining our local chapter and submitting an application to the program of your choice. There are some variations from program to program, but most follow this four-step process:
Step 1: Join CISV Waterloo
You must be a member of CISV Waterloo Region to apply for a national or international program. Members can also attend our local events and mini-camps, and get involved with our Board of Directors and Junior Branch Executive. Our membership fees keep this mighty organization going! Complete the Membership Form to get started.
Step 2: Learn about this year’s program opportunities
Each year we find out which programs we will be offering at our CISV National Board Meeting (NBM) in November. We encourage interested families to come out to one of our Information Sessions (September 15th, October 9th), where we introduce prospective members to CISV, explain the selection process, and announce the various programs we’ll be participating in for the following year. After Information Day, you have several weeks to ask questions and think about whether you want to apply for a program. Review last year’s Information Day presentation.
Before applying, spend some time discussing the goals of CISV with your child so that they have an idea of what we’re all about. Parents of prospective delegates are encouraged to familiarize themselves with costs and the important roles they play before a delegation travels. Parents help us make it all possible by fully committing to delegation meetings, as well as a range of other events hosted by the Chapter.
Step 3: Submit your application
Complete the CISV Waterloo Program Application Form if you are applying to Village, Step Up, Youth Meeting or Junior Counsellor.
Seminar Camp applications are organized at the national level. For more information about this year’s offerings and to apply, please e-mail:
National Camp applications are organized by the hosting chapter. More information to come.
Junior Counsellors, Leaders and Staff must complete the Staff/Leader Application Form and e-mail it to
Step 4: Participate in selection days and/or interviews
CISV travel program opportunities are limited to the number of invitations we receive from the national and international CISV boards. After collecting applications, we select delegates by observing them participate in group activities over one weekend at what we call - Selection Days. Any delegates wishing to apply for a Village, Step Up, Youth Meeting, or Junior Counselor program should plan to attend both days - November 16th (9:30am-3pm) and November 17th (9:30am-12noon) 2024.
For Junior Counsellors, Leaders, and Staff there is also an interview component to the selection process. You will be contacted directly after we receive your application.
*NOTE: Read Understanding the CISV Waterloo Selection Process for more insight on how the chapter selects applicants and how to improve your chances of attending a CISV program.